Chicago, IL
Analyze expanding current facility at 227 W. Monroe Vs. exercising termination option and relocatingImmediate space need, 2 years prior to effective lease termination dateObtain maximum growth and contraction flexibilityMaintain a high-end image.Explore all new developments in downtown Chicago.
Create leverage with current owner by contacting tenants in high image buildings directly; created additional leverage by proposing to anchor a new development.Leverage upcoming vacancy within 227 W. Monroe Vs future vacancy rate of the downtown Chicago marketNegotiate with least obvious locations and owners to achieve maximum cost savings.
Benefits Achieved:
Obtained in excess of a $6 million concession package.Two fixed expansion/contraction optionsTermination option after the 8th lease year.Achieved below market rental rateReceived concession that includes use of building parking and Four Seasons Hotel